
Ordered before 16:00? Same day shipping!

Our large stock makes it possible to ship orders quickly. If a product is not in stock, we are always able to offer a suitable solution so that, in consultation with the customer, the order will be delivered on time.


Everything available in own stock from our 5000 m2 warehouse

Our head office is located in the Netherlands, nearby the German border. This spacious building consists of two office floors and a warehouse of over 5000 m2. This is one of the reasons why we guarantee a minimum stock of 1000 racks!


Professional advice

You can reach us on weekdays by phone and chat from 8:00 to 17:00. We answer all your questions and provide you with professional advice. We can also be reached by e-mail.


Send with whitelabel

It is possible to include a custom-made shipping note to your shipment. All you have to do, is to send us an e-mail with your company logo and we will make sure that your shipments are sent with transparent tape and a shipping note with your logo.

Collapse Advantages
  • ✔ Ordered before 16:00? Same day shipping!
  • Available from stock from our 5000m2 warehouse
  • ✔ Professional advice
  • ✔ Send with whitelabel

Actievoorwaarden 10% Black Friday korting


Deze actie is geldig voor bestellingen die van maandag 20 november 2023 tot en met maandag 27 november 2023 in onze webshop worden geplaatst.

Voor wie geldt de korting?

De korting geldt alleen voor klanten die geen staffelkorting ontvangen.

Hoe maak je gebruik van de korting?

  • Plaats alle gewenste producten in de winkelwagen.
  • Ga naar de winkelwagen. Klap het veld voor de kortingscode (1) uit. Voer hier van 20 t/m 27 november 2023 de Black Friday kortingscode in (2). Pas de korting toe (3).


  • Kies een betaalwijze en reken af.


Wij maken nu je bestelling direct verzendklaar zodat jij je producten zo snel mogelijk in huis hebt!